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You Need a BREAK!

by - 23:06:00

Sometimes silence is what we need. We get so caught up in our careers or ministries that we forget who we are. Our lives are so filled with worry, events, meeting deadlines and targets and acquiring materialistic items for ourselves and our loved ones that we sometimes forget to take a break from it all. The cares of this world might so consume us that we sometimes forget our dreams and purposes in this life.We forget who we're and what makes us! We all need a break, don't we?

It is normal to get caught up in everything around us but we need quality time alone as well. There are times that we need space and silence; a break from it all so we can wait on God and listen to His voice. We need to put everything on hold and ask ourselves some questions as we reflect on our lives; a pause to do some soul searching. We need to ask ourselves why we do what we do. Is it to please others? Is it because we think we have no other options? Are you compelled to do what you do because of situations beyond your control? Do you love what you do? Do you wake up every morning filled with hope, new ideas and joy to embrace every day of your life?

You need a break from it all to take stock of your life. This is not about worrying or regretting your choices and where your life is at the moment. Worry and regret take away your peace and hold you prisoner until you have no urge to enjoy your life and what God has purposed for you.

Taking stock of your life begins with finding out God’s purpose for your life. When you set yourself apart and diligently seek God, He’ll reveal to you your purpose. You need to set yourself apart because activities can cause you to miss out on the answer.

It is very easy for you to get time alone when you do not have much to do but not so easy when you have much responsibilities. However, you need to make time for yourself even if it means changing your schedules or leaving your kids with a relative for some hours or a day. Taking stock of your life is very important as it makes you realise where you’ve come from, where you are and determines where you want to be. Most people are unhappy with their lives and overwhelmed by situations because they don’t want to face themselves. We tend to hide behind things or issues to stay grounded where we are. We’re afraid of the possibilities that are opened to us. We prefer to stay where we are rather than confront, solve and overcome our circumstances. We don’t want to accept or maybe doubt that we have what it takes to face and overcome every challenge  and become better people through that. We’re afraid to dream because we’re doubtful yet it is only our minds holding us back.

If only we dared to ask ourselves the right questions! If only we dared to dream, to be different, to take stock of our lives and give everything to Christ Jesus, we’ll find the peace, harmony and joy we seek. We’ll then have our lives uncluttered  and live long, fulfilling and meaningful lives.

It’s time to take time off to seek God and do some ‘soul searching’ and to unclutter your life. It is time to let go of the things that are taking so much space in your life but giving you nothing in return. It's time to create your own space to soul search! YOU WERE MADE FOR SO MUCH MORE! 

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