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Every Believer's Desire

by - 16:00:00

Dear God,
Hello it’s me again. I would like us to have a chat like buddies do. Most times I know my conversations with you have been one sided. I’m the only one who does all the talking. I go on and on and on, I just don’t give you the opportunity to speak back to me. I can only guess how many times you must have whispered “Slow down daughter, listen to me. You said what you had to say now let me tell you what you need to know or do.” Oh boy, You must have gotten tired of saying the same thing over and over again to me.

There are days that after talking to you I sit and wait to hear your voice. To hear you talk back to me and give me an answer but nothing seems to happen. Is it because I have not trained myself enough to hear your voice or do I have so much on my mind that my thoughts crowd over your voice? The harder I try to hear your voice, the less result I achieve. Is it with me or am I doing something wrong? I hear stories from friends about how they’ve had personal encounters with you. You showed yourself and spoke to them. They talk of what you’ve been teaching them and I'm at a lost as to what to say! I don’t want to continue living a life where all I say of you and have to show of my knowing you is all about what others have told me. I want us to have a real relationship. I want to get to know you better. I want us to be the best of friends.

I long for a great relationship with you where we can talk for hours nonstop like best friends do. I want to hear you speak back to me when I talk to you. I want to be in your presence always and I want to walk this walk of life with you. I don’t want to do this with the abstract version I have of you but I want to do it with the real and true you. 

I'm kind of praying and hoping for a positive response from you for your word says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
Your child.

P.S. Comment and let me know how your walk with the Lord has been. Do you have that personal relationship with Him? Do you hear Him talk to you? Have you had an encounter with our Lord?

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