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The One in the Mirror

by - 19:00:00

He looks into the mirror and sees a body so beaten and tired with an emaciated spirit. The look in his eyes is one he can't recognise. How did he get to this point? Where was the self he knew?
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The boy who had stared back at him through the years, with the boyish smile that lit up his eyes? His face was always so radiant. He was always bursting with ideas, always eager to pursue a new project. He was fun to look at and listen to. Oh, how he longs to see that boy again. He studies his face critically to see if he can catch a glimpse of him. The face is the same so are the eyes but the expressions are different. 

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He bows his head in resignation as the tears flow down his cheeks. "I didn't want to end up like my dad, no I didn't! I wanted to make more of my life! I want to be happy, that's all I want. I don't like feeling empty and lost!"

I look in the mirror and I see that same boy who was so fun to be with. Always bringing a smile and brightening our days up. It is true that what you were has been missing. Yet it is not lost, it is only hidden within you. He never went away. I look at you and I see a wonderful man, so sensitive to the needs of others. I see that same man who makes every project so easy and fun. You are and can be that man you long to be. 
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The meaning that you seek for your life and the emptiness that you feel can be filled by one man, Jesus. He is the only one who can make you complete and give meaning to your life. All that it takes is for you to ask him to be your saviour.
You can be the you you long for and so much more. The answer to the feelings of emptiness, loneliness and nothingness can be filled by only one person that is Jesus Christ. You've tried therapy, reading books, yoga.... Now try Jesus I promise you you won't regret it.
Much love.
PS: Live your life to the fullest, live and die for your God given purpose.

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