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Redefining LOVE From Biblical Perspective

by - 22:00:00

Redefining love from Biblical perspective
What really is love? Has the definition of love changed over the years? Trying to define love in this age is a pretty complex endeavour. I mean, what kind of love are you trying to define in the first place? Is it the love of self or others or material things?
In the age of selfies and social media, is love what it was years ago?    Is love even an emotion or a decision? However, the definition of love is quite simple but complex in its execution. According to the Bible, God is love, as a result, any definition of love must find its source from Him.
How does God define love?
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:9, NKJV
Love is a verb hence, God, in order to define love demonstrates it to humanity and every creature. God takes on the flesh of man to die in the stead of man. God through Christ Jesus shows us how to love. Love is giving 100% even if its subject doesn't deserve it. We don't deserve God's love but he loves us anyway.
Love gives without expecting anything in return. Jesus loves us unconditionally even when we treat him badly or ignore him he continues to love us.
Love means you'll get hurt by the person you love most. We've hurt God badly and continue to hurt him but he continuous to love us despite everything we do. Look at how Jesus was scourged, spat on and insulted because he chose to love us. But he bore all our sins because love bears all things.
Love is patient and kind
Although Jesus was maltreated, betrayed and called names, he continued to patiently lavish us with his love to the point of death.
Love is not easily angered and believes all things
Jesus, although scourged, mocked, betrayed and crucified believed in the redemption of man. He knew who we would become through his love and so didn't seek personal gratification but the happiness of his beloved. He suffered to ensure that his beloved didn't have to suffer. He took her place and paid her ransom so she could live freely.
Love covers a multitude of sins
Love holds no grudges and covers the faults of his beloved. Love forgives.
Love is God.
Love is Jesus.
Love is grace.
How do you define love?

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