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You Are Not an Accident

by - 07:19:00

As we were growing up, we were taught a lot of things. I remember how exciting it was to hear scientific theories about how the world came to be! I was totally amazed when I found out that we evolved from apes! As a child all these sounded incredible – the big bang theory, evolution, dinosaurs etc. They all sounded incredible and unbelievable! But my teacher insisted the world came to be as a result of an accident and humans evolved from apes.

If I could turn back the hands of time, I would have asked my teacher, how come after all these years of human existence on planet earth no ape has evolved into a human being yet? Let me be a bit uneducated here. If we evolved from apes then some apes ought to have turned human by now and why do we still have a species called ape if we came out of them?

Now, about how the world came to be. If indeed there was a chemical accident, how come the same accident has not repeated itself and how come what they suspected to be particles from this accident last year turned out to be nothing? Ok, if earth and the whole universe came to be as a result of a chemical accident as the big bang theory asserts then let me ask, how did the other planets, the sun, the moon and stars come to be placed where they are now? How about the diamonds they have discovered in space? I f I may ask one final question, how come nothing like that accident has never occurred again?

I know some of you at this point think I don’t have enough facts and need to read more! But hey, so do you! And you are wrong, you know. I’ve got all the truth and so need no facts! Let me ask you a question, would you want to believe that your presence here on earth is an accident? Well, it is simple. I f you believe that the earth came to be as a result of an accident, it implies that you’re an accident yourself! Also would you like to believe a theory that links you to apes?

I don’t know about you but I prefer to believe that there is someone out there, who intentionally created this world and me! My faith in this makes me know that the world didn’t come to be as a result of an accident neither did I come from an ape! I am not an accident neither are you! There is a God who created this world and us!!! This means there is a reason why I was allowed to be born, hence a purpose for me to fulfill.

I find it rather incredible that we allow ourselves to believe theories that were propounded  by mere mortal men like us! So, they want us to believe just one accident brought the earth into being: caused the sea to be full of salt water and fish, mountains, valleys, the different species of animals both domestic and wild, the different species of plants, caused male and female humans and animals to be! Upon deeper scrutiny, I would say that it is highly improbable that just one accident caused everything to be! Give me a break! NO ACCIDENT IS CAPABLE OF ACCOMPLISHING THIS!

Until the next post, remember you are not an accident and not where you are by chance. There is a God who loves you very much! Just embrace His existence and watch Him turn your situation around.

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