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For When You're Overwhelmed

by - 21:44:00

For those days when you feel so down and low. When you feel no one understands you or cares about what you’re dealing with. When you feel as though all everyone cares about is taking from you what they need. When you feel they don’t really care about you. In those days when you are feeling low, depressed, misunderstood or unloved; focus on the reality of the love of God. Focus on God's proof of love for you, Jesus.

Although, there are times that all may seem totally lost and your life may appear to be dreary with no light at the end of the tunnel, know for certain that there is someone who loves you. He loves you more than you love yourself and He amazingly loves you for you! He has seen it all and heard it all, yet He is never taken aback by anything you do! I am sometimes tempted to believe that He loves you more than Himself because He paid your ransom with His own life! He did this with only one thought in mind, love for you! He did this so He can always have you close to shower you with His love! No greater love has any man than to lay down his life for his friend. And this is true love, that when we were yet sinners Christ shed His blood for us! Behold what manner of love the father has given unto us!

His love is a love so pure and sincere! When depressed think of His wonderful love for you! It doesn’t matter where you are currently, He sees you and longs to shower you with love and to show you who you truly are and will be if you accept His love for you! His love isn't a love calculated to favour Him but you! You are loved and deeply cherished! All else will fail you but He never will. He has a 24/7 open door policy so you can spend time with him anytime and He is never busy or out of reach! He loves you more than you love you!

When you're overwhelmed, meditate on His love for you. Know that He will never leave you or forsake you. He will carry you through and give you rest. When you're overwhelmed, let His peace that surpasses all understanding flood your heart and keep you focused on Him.

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