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It's Time to Reflect, Restrategize and to Take Action

by - 02:12:00

Sometimes life gets really busy when you have a lot of things to do and  deadlines to meet. You can get so swamped by everything going on and in making sure you fulfill your responsibilities that you forget you. You forget what it is like to be you and be alone with yourself.

Don’t ever get so caught up in fulfilling your responsibilities that you forget to take time off to relax. We take for granted that there are times when we need to rest in order to take stock of our lives. Taking stock is really important. You need to reflect on where you’ve come from and on where you’re going. You need to ask yourself; “Am I doing what I set off to do?” “Am I fulfilling my purpose on earth or otherwise?” It is important to have a me time alone where you pray and reflect. You cannot know where you stand in terms of your achievements and mistakes unless you assess yourself. After you’ve prayed, reflected and assessed your situation, it’s time to act!

Maybe you are stuck in a job you do not love or you are stuck to boring routine with nothing to break the monotony! Well, it’s time you asked yourself some hard questions and made up your mind. You have to go for what you have been created for. You need to take a risk! Come on! God did not create us to have boring lives and stick only to routine! He created us for adventure. Venture out and live your dreams. How can you say it is impossible when you have not even tried? Well, perhaps you’ve tried a couple of times but it didn’t work out. Go ahead try again. Give it your best shot. Life has a lot to offer and God has even more to give. Take advantage, focus and pursue your dreams. You’re the only one who can limit yourself.

Broaden your life by trying out new things. It could be a new hobby, different ways of doing what you already do, taking a different route to work or meeting and making new friends. You see, how far you see and what you say are what get attracted to you! You cannot sit down and do nothing! So don’t just think and complain about your situation! Do something about it. Do not try to play it safe. Life is an adventure especially when you have Christ, so live that adventure with him. Take time off to have some alone time so that you can reflect and pray for directions and inspiration from God

Watch the sunset tonight and the sunrise tomorrow morning and see the beauty and variety that God has to offer! Try something new and tell me about it. God bless you for reading  and hey, share with your friends. Do not keep postponing what you know is inevitable. Get some sunshine in your life and that of your loved ones.

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