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You Were Made for Love

by - 14:00:00

Love is a very essential human need. Everyone wants to be loved. Love is not just a want but a need that ought to be satisfied. Every human being without exception needs love, that is the way we have been created. Love is not limited to race or social status. The need to be loved in man does not diminish with time or age.

Rebellion, time and time again stems out of some people’s perceptions that they are not being loved enough. Everyone has their way of showing love and receiving love. Men generally read respect as love while women read affection as love. Although we all love and expect our love to be reciprocated, mere human love cannot fill that void in us. You can be surrounded by the most loving crowd and still feel lonely, unloved and misunderstood. You can feel empty and passionless although all the right people reciprocate your love for them.  

Human love and activity can never fill that void in your heart because although you were made for love and to be loved, mere human love and affection are not enough to make you whole. This void can only be filled with the love of God. God created you for love, so you can be unconditionally loved by Him. It amazes me and takes my breathe away anytime I think of His love for us. In this fast paced world where almost everyone agrees that “There is no free lunch in the world,” it is shocking that there is someone who loves us for no reason at all!

The truth is that as your maker He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows your thoughts and sees all your imperfections but loves you for you. No matter what you do He still loves you anyway! The good news is there is nothing that can separate you from His love. In other words there is nothing that you can do that will make God stop loving you! He created you so He can shower you with much love.

No matter who loves you or who you love that love can be and is limited. You can’t continue to love someone who always throws your love into the mud year after year. That is what we do to God but He still loves us and ultimately proved His love for us by sending Jesus to die in our stead. Jesus is the demonstration of God’s love to us. God’s love is all you need!

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