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How to Stand Out of the Crowd

by - 23:18:00

We live in an age where who we are and should be are dictated by external forces. The choice to be ourselves has, almost, been snatched out of the hands of those who accept the dictates of society. On TV, on radio, in magazines, newspapers, in the movies and documentaries and online, we’re bombarded with what we should eat, wear, where we should vacation, how we should talk and behave and even how we should live our very lives! We’re presented with one expert after the other. Some even contradicting themselves and leaving us more confused as to what we should really do.

We’re encouraged to copy the lifestyles of others. We are told to aspire to be like these people making the headlines. In such an environment when the norm is to be someone else rather than ourselves, it can be very difficult to find and be ourselves. However, if you’ll read through history you’ll recognize that no one ever stood out by being one of the crowd. It has become difficult for people not to accept not or attempt not to just follow the crowd.

If we’re going to live life to the fullest and totally be happy with who we’re then we need to tune off what the outside world says we should be and focus on finding who we are from within. You can’t be happy by living other people's lives. If you live the life of others who would live yours for you?

Don’t be part of the norm but rather be the one person people look up to and aspire to be like. Live your life as you. Appreciate you. Be different but proud. Being different is not always bad, different can also mean outstanding! It is being focused and doing you even when the world is not impressed!

When I was in my first year in college I decided I was bored with my earrings and so started to wear them differently. I would wear a big dangling one in one ear then a small one in the other. I was approached by a friend who asked me whether I thought that my fashion could catch on. It was her way of telling me to stop wearing my earrings that way. I replied that it wasn’t my intention to start a fashion trend but just wanted to try something new.  Several people, friends especially showed their disapproval so I caved in under all the pressure and stopped. But interestingly enough after three years, some of my major critics began to wear their earrings that way!

There are people who set fashion trends and those who make things happen. There are people who make and shape history and there are those who just copy and follow. Decide today which group you would want to be. There are people who invent and those who buy their inventions. There are people who write books and those who read.

What are you good at? What are you passionate about? Find that out and do it to the fullest of your abilities. You’re unique! You’re fearfully and wonderfully made, so do you! Don’t let others determine who you should be! Your life is too precious to waste it on being someone else!

Who are you? Do you set the trend or follow the trend? Do you love being you?  

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