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The 5 Love Languages: What is YOUR Partner’s Love Language?

by - 23:00:00

There are five love languages that determine how we individually receive love. In other words, each person interprets love differently hence it is important we learn the love language of our spouses. The following are the five love languages taken from Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts:

  1. Words of Affirmation                                                                              
    Some people interpret love as words of affirmation. Therefore it is very important to them to be encouraged. Encouragement is when you empathize with your spouse and see life from his/her perspective. They also want to be appreciated or complimented. Tell them they look good and that you appreciate what they do for you. Use kind and humble words.
  2. Quality Time                                                                                                     
    To some spending time together means love. Having a spouse spend quality time with you requires that they give undivided attention to you and do things with you. It could simply be taking a walk together and listening as they talk. Listen to your spouse, pay attention, understand and sympathize with her/him. When your spouse talks, he just wants you to listen to him not to solve his problems for him. He does not want your advice but wants you to understand him.
  3. Receiving Gifts                                                                                            
    Buy your partner gifts. A gift means more than just the item, it shows that you thought about him/her and shows your love. Give the gift of your presence. Most people would appreciate it when you spend time with them. They’ll interpret that as love. People who regard the receiving of gifts as love will appreciate it and feel loved when you give them gifts. The gift does not need to be expensive, it could even be something you make yourself!
  4. Acts of Service                                                                                           
     Some see acts of service as love. Those who have this as their love language would want you to do things for them and with them. Acts like cooking, cleaning, ironing, changing the baby’s diaper, mowing the lawn, washing the car etc. If this is your spouse’s love language then you need to do things for him/her. Help them as much as you can with the chores. However note that you do not demand and force for things to be done for you but you can request them. This will build your love while demands and coercion while destroy it. If this is your love language then rather than nag your spouse about the things he/she doesn’t do, why not tell them why it is important to you that he does these things for you? This will yield much results than the nagging!
  5. Physical Touch                                                                                          
    Some also regard physical touch as an affirmation of love. When your spouse regards physical touch as love then you should oblige them. Physical touch goes beyond sex. As a man do not mistake your need for sex as your primary love language. Your need for sex is physical but your love language is rather emotional that is your need to feel love or what makes you feel loved.

I hope you’ve discovered your partner’s love language and learn to love him/her in her language. Let me know your thoughts on this post.

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