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The Irony of Thinking Your Life is Insignificant!

by - 19:00:00

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Almost everyone has something that they regret they didn't or couldn't do when the opportunity presented itself. We wish and reminisce about the past. We wish we could go back in time to do or undo an event in the past. I do have such regrets, don't you?

For some people they live in regret because they feel their lives have turned out poorly because of the choices they made. They are trapped in a sea of unhappiness and despair. In this situation there are two possible reactions. One reaction is to see one’s self and life as insignificant. Those who do begin to doubt their significance wish that they were never born into this world in the first place. They feel the world would be a better place without them. They believe their loved ones will be better off without them. Let me
take you through the story of James Stewart in a 1946 movie, It's a Wonderful Life. I love the way this movie encapsulates our importance. Every life is very important and significantly affects others. When you are taken out of the picture, the lives of others change  and usually for the worse.

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James was a guy who as a young boy dreamt of travelling the world. He read the national geographic to know of places. However things happened and life got in the way so he was never able to travel. Through out his life he helped people but unfortunately his uncle misplaced a huge sum of money that would lead to his arrest and to him losing everything. And so he wished he had never been born. An angel granted him his wish. The history of his existence on earth was wiped out. He got to first hand witness how his brother would have died if he had not been born. A man who had given him a job at a pharmacy would have committed murder by putting poison in some drugs that were supposed to be delivered to someone. Now it wasn't the man's intention he had just been told that his son had died. However James' presence prevented this. The whole city would have been poor and been ruled by a tyrant. This realization made him realise the significance of his life. To cut a long story short he learnt to appreciate his life and the whole town chipped in to pay off his debt and he had so more over than what he needed.

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You might not have the opportunity to see what life would be for others had you not been born but know for sure without a doubt that your life counts. Don't throw in the towel yet because your life is significant. You're very important that is why God created you. The world would never be as it is had you not been born. Your life is more significant than you can imagine. Appreciate who you are and what you do.
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