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 It doesn’t matter how difficult our lives become due to the challenges we face, it is by faith that we’ll be triumphant! In order that we’re not moved by what we see and hear, we need to guard the gates of sight and hearing. We should choose what to watch and what to listen to. All that we see and hear plant seeds in our hearts. These seeds can either be good or bad depending on what we feed ourselves. They can either help us grow in faith or cause our faith to dwindle.

The Lord implores us to live by faith. He tells us that “The just shall live by faith” and “Without faith, it is impossible to please the Lord.” This means that we’re not to live by our five senses. Our five senses are the senses of sight, sound, taste, smell and our emotions or feelings although this is termed as our sense of touch I prefer to call it emotions for the purpose of this article.We’re not to live our lives by what we see, how we feel, what we hear, what we eat or what we smell especially when they are not in sync with the word of God.

It doesn’t matter how difficult our lives become due to the challenges we face, it is by faith that we’ll be triumphant! In order that we’re not moved by what we see and hear, we need to guard the gates of sight and hearing. We should choose what to watch and what to listen to. All that we see and hear plant seeds in our hearts. These seeds can either be good or bad depending on what we feed ourselves. They can either help us grow in faith or cause our faith to dwindle.

When you become born again you’re given the same measure of faith as any new believer, however the growth of that faith and what you can achieve with it is solely dependent on you. Our feelings can crush our faith if they are not in line with God’s word. Many heart-aches, disappointments and failures can be avoided when we work without the principles of our feelings.

Our five senses are gates that can either be used by God or the devil. When we guard what we see, hear, feel, taste and smell, we build ourselves by tuning into what helps our faith to grow. The bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God” – This shows how important the gate of hearing is. If you focus on hearing the wrong things, your life will go in the wrong direction. However if you listen to the right things your life will head in the right direction and your faith will grow.

Some people are living with much offense and bitterness because they chose to listen and hold on to voices that said bad and abusive things about them. They chose to hold on to their feelings of hurt which developed into bitterness. This has rendered them unhappy and frustrated. You can be happy if you focus on emotions that are based on the word of  God.  Focus on cultivating your spiritual senses.

You’ll live your life to its fullest when you develop your spiritual senses. If you want to have peace, be happy and successful as well as maintain your faith then watch and guard your physical senses. Do not allow junk into your system. Remember garbage in garbage out! Feed yourself with the right words and focus on the word of God, the Bible. The world is filled with so much pain and trouble simply because people focus on the wrong things. There is so much power in the word of God to break every chain! You can have and live to the full that life that you have always dreamed of! Make the changes to tune in to God's words and focus on them and your life will never be the same again!

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