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The Contradictions of Living in the 21st Century I

by - 22:30:00

Living in the 21st Century is  really complex. The world tells you one thing then contradicts itself by showing you the opposite of what it tells you. We live in an age of technological and scientific advancement  when man is pushing and overturning all the boundaries of nature and of what is possible and what is not. We’re now in a time where almost anything is acceptable. A time where the existence of God has been debunked. We are kicking God out of our schools, homes, culture and society because the world told us to.

The world tells us not to believe what we cannot see or prove. It tells us if the existence of something cannot be proven by science then it doesn’t exist. If it is not tangible then don’t you believe it. The world tells us not to believe in a supreme being whose existence can’t be proven (of course we can prove that such a being exists). They ask “Why believe in a being you can’t even see?” They say if indeed there is a GOD then He doesn’t care about humanity. They say “Read history and look at events happening now, look at all the terrible things that have been done and are still being done in His name! How can you believe in someone who you can’t see? If He does exist why is there so much hate, crimes, wars, famine, diseases and poverty in the world? How come He isn’t doing anything about it? He must be one selfish guy to keep all the powers that He has to Himself when He can intervene in events! I’ll answer all these questions and more but in a different post not here.

What I seek to do in this post is to point out to you the contradictions of our society. They tell us not to believe in things we cannot see or prove but equally call us to use our imaginations and to believe in things that do not exist! Am stunned anytime I think about the lies that are paddled through media as truth. I’m surprised when I think about what they expect us to believe. I paid a friend a visit and as we sat chatting in her living room, her three children watched animated movies. One of them caught my attention I think the title was Diamond Palace. In our schools kids are taught that there is no God and that they should believe only in the tangible but in the animated movie they were being told to believe in what they could not see. The characters in the movie found themselves in a dilemma as their friend was trapped in a mirror. They started to talk about believing in something that cannot be seen and then they sang. The boys with them questioned why they would believe in something that they couldn’t see. The girls ignored them and as they continued to sing, a castle appeared and as they walked into it their apparels were changed and their friend was freed. The doubting boys were stunned and just couldn’t believe their eyes!

So the world tells us there isn’t God but expects our children to believe in fairies, in elves, in Santa, in Superman, in Batman etc.  They teach them to believe in magic and the spirit of music in such movies. However, they tell us we were not created and placed on planet earth by design but by an accident. We are expected to believe that our very existence is by accident. If we believe this, why wont we act the way we do? If you are here by accident then it means your life has no purpose and is meaningless. Most of us are in deep trouble and keep hurting ourselves and others simply because we bought into this lie. The world has so many problems simply because people are believing wrong.

Choose what you will believe but as for me I prefer to believe that there is a God out there who created me and died for me. I believe that I’m not on earth by accident but  by design. When the world was created God had me in mind. He had and has a purpose for me that is why I’m here today. So the world is telling us there is no God? Ok, if there is no God, no heaven or hell then why spend so much time, effort and energy just to prove that He doesn’t exist. If He doesn’t exist then you don’t need to fight Him! Duuhh, thought we didn’t fight people who do not exist, do we?

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