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Change Your MIRROR

by - 02:50:00

When you look in the mirror who do you see?
Do you see an ugly person, overweight and unlovable?
Do you see a skinny person who has eating disorders?
Do you see a drug addict who will do anything for a quick fix?
Do you a depressed individual who hears voices? It is as though everyone is out to get you. The voices get so loud that you can't hear yourself think. All round you there is fear and people are out to get you. They don't see what you see neither do they hear and feel what you hear and feel. Why can't they hear, see and feel what you feel? There must be something wrong with them!
When you look in the mirror who do you see? Do you see a criminal that is beyond redemption? Do you see a prostitute, a body that has allowed itself to used and manhandled by many? Do you see a hopeless man or woman? If you do then change the mirror with which you see through. Your mirror has got to be wrong! 

Look through the mirror of the Word of God. It doesn't matter how you loathe yourself or how much you feel you have fallen, look into the mirror of grace and see a reflection of who you truly are. You are awesome, loveable, kind and you're worth so much more than you can imagine! You have been created after the image of God that is like Jesus Christ who is the express image of the father. You have so much power and authority. In fact you're like God Himself. God isn't angry or disappointed in you he knows who you are but calls you His beloved anyways. 
Don't listen to the evil voices that speak contrary words and don't let them steal your peace and joy. This is because you haven't been given a spirit of fear but of power, of love and a sound mind. Don't mistake what you do for who you are. You're not what you do. Look through the mirror of God's word because it is the only way to restore you to who you truly are, God's beloved who is powerful beyond measure, one who has overcome the world, an answer and a solution to many. 
Change your mirror of perceiving and go for the Word of God. Who you truly are is in the Word of God, the Bible. You're not who you see in the mirror, you're not what you eat, wear, who you date or what you do! The voices that tell you contrary are wrong. You are who God says you are. Change your mirror and get to know the true you!

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