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On Legalising Rape: Chaos

by - 12:00:00

In December 2015 I wrote an article (Link) that focused on what society and the world as a whole will be like if we go with the atheist position. When we take God out of the picture what we have is a chaotic society. A society where morality and rules are relative. What people deem right or wrong will vary and be dependent on each person's mindset.
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The adherence to laws will be relative and be dependent on a person's acceptance or otherwise. Everyone will fight for their rights. Society will become chaotic as someone's personal rights might be in opposition to others. Atheists, transgender and homosexuals have taken over societies and in the bid to fight for their rights have infringed and in certain instances have denied the rights of others.

Since we seek to take God out of the picture who sets moral laws and moral standards? Since the onus falls on man to do that when God is taken out of the picture it is no wonder people are fighting to set moral standards. Daryush Valizadeh seeks to do just that! He is pro-rape and doesn't apparently value nor respect women. He wants rape to be legalised and women to be chaperoned. In his sick mind rape is no crime! This is how low society falls when man seeks to make himself his own God. Daryush Valizadeh is freely using the media to his own advantage and surprisingly has some following. 
If we take God out of the picture how do we judge him wrong? If you tell him rape is a crime he might reply "Who says so?" Your arguments about laws will not hold water because in his eyes laws are made by man and he as a man seeks to make new laws. Clearly as a world we're treading on very dangerous grounds by seeking to take God, Jesus, out of the picture. Let God be God over us and then order and peace will be restored. The bible says God is love and perfect love is laying down your life for others just as Jesus did for us though we didn't deserve it. God alone through Jesus can cause us to love and esteem others better than ourselves. And it is only in genuine love (agape) will we stop hurting each other.

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