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#Je suis Charlie

by - 22:44:00

Dear God,
I am so confused and very sad at this moment because of the shootings in France. I’m so sad and confused and totally stunned because I can’t just believe how wicked some people can be. Your word teaches me to have compassion for and love those who do me wrong but sometimes that is just so hard to do. My heart goes out to all of France and every person who lost a friend, brother, sister, son, daughter, father and mother in this terrorist attack. I know no words can fill the void that you feel in you now or calm you.

God, these families are most probably very mad with you. They have so many questions. Questions they may never find answers to. God please do comfort them and give them peace, and help them through these trying times. I can’t understand this incident either but I know you can work it all out for their good. God loves you, even if you do not understand why this happened that does not mean He can’t see your pain. He sees it and it breaks His heart that you have to go through something like this. If only your eyes would be opened to see how He weeps and mourns with you.

God doesn’t want these evil things to happen but He can’t do anything about it because He has given this earth to man to rule over. He can only intervene if we ask Him to. It is time for us, all believers, to stand on our feet to intercede for the nations. Let’s pray and speak life and peace into our cities. Let us pray that these people come to know the love of the true God who loves us unconditionally. A God who does not expect us to kill to defend His honour but to love all so they can come to know Him and accept His love. This God came down in the form of Jesus Christ to die for us just to demonstrate His love for us. He gave up His life for us so that we do not have to die physically for Him.

When Jesus was being crucified He asked for forgiveness for those who were crucifying Him. He said “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” We have to love the sinner but hate sin. Jesus died for them too. If we hate them without praying for them they wont change. We’ll be just like them filled with hate. It is hate that plants the seed of murder or sin in hearts. If we give hate a place in us we give the devil the permission to use us to inflict more pain on people who need love rather than condemnation.  Jesus is the only hope for our world. It is only in accepting His love that we become new creations devoid of the nature of the devil that was planted in all mankind because of Adam’s sin. Through Jesus we are filled with love for one another. Only love can stop hate because love is the most powerful force on earth.

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