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A New Beginning

by - 23:36:00

Congratulations! You’ve made it into 2015! 2014 was a year full of great things as well as some disappointments. Maybe it was a pretty bad year for you but there is hope because through it all you survived! I commend you for your tenacity through all the storms and sunny days. This year holds a lot of great things for you. You’ve been given a blank cheque of 365 days. It is all yours to write memories on and stamp on great exploits.

It is that time of the year where we pick our note books and pens and write down our resolutions for the new year. What do you want to achieve this year? I know you have great plans for the year and some of you have a backlog of last year’s resolutions to catch up with but there is hope. Even as you write down your resolutions know that anything is possible if you believe.

Decide to let go of all your fears and go after your dreams. Before you write your resolutions ask yourself this question, “If I was not afraid what would I do?” I believe when you sincerely answer this question it will cause you to put down what you ought to do in this year. All that stands between you and unleashing your fullest potentials is fear. You can do much more and accomplish much more than you think if you set your mind to it. In this year don’t hold back on your dreams, dare to live your dream! You were made for much more than what you’ve settled for. Push beyond the obstacles or barriers and unleash your fullest potential. You have what it takes to live your dream and make a difference in the world. Remember to let go of fear.

I came across this interpretation given to fear and I would like to share it with you. F-E-A-R is False Evidence Appearing Real. Most of the things you fear are not real and will never happen anyway. Fear is a tool used by the enemy to control your mind and prevent you from doing life big. You are more than capable of letting go of your fears. The Bible says perfect love casts out all fear therefore when you focus on God’s unending love for you it will cause your fears to disappear. You do not need fear in your life. Stop giving excuses because you can do it. Take charge of your dreams and live them big. Hold on tight and trust God in this year.

This year will be a great year for you! Only believe and hold on to your faith in Christ Jesus. Let me know what your new year resolutions are.

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