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The Book of Thanksgiving

by - 08:00:00

Are you in a place where you wish that you could maximise your potentials? Are you going through a tough time and don't know what to do? Do you want your breakthrough or get that big break that you've been waiting for your whole life?! I bet you do. 

For a long time I felt that my life had become stagnant and I wasn't seeing the things that I desired to see. There was one particular area of my life that I totally wanted change in. I just wanted it over and done with but for close to six years nothing was happening. Then sometime ago the Lord impressed on my heart to buy a journal or notebook where everyday I would write what I was thankful for. Prior to this I had listened to ministers of God who had preached about praising God through the tough times and the importance of thanksgiving. I was at a loss because I didn't feel that I had anything to be thankful for or sing about! Ever felt like that?

However everything changed when I followed God's instruction and bought a notebook in which I began to write down the things that I was grateful for. I began with writing "I'm thankful  God for such a good weather today" and I even thanked God when there was lesser traffic on the road than usual or if someone paid for my bus fare or bought me lunch or if an old friend called me out of the blue. I also wrote how thankful I was for the number of visitors I had per day, week or month on my blog. I thanked God for the little things. Whenever I sit down to write about what I'm thankful for in each day, I'm filled with so much excitement and hope. The more that I fill up this notebook the more excited I become!
Already my life has turned around for the better and I'm beginning to get answers for things I prayed for years ago. I'll give you a quick example. I started graduate school in 2010 for a Masters of Philosophy Degree in English. Though I was supposed to graduate in 2012 it didn't happen. There were a lot of delays. However after I started writing in the notebook the things that I was thankful for, my head of department called my external examiner and she found out that he had sent my report via post but it had apparently been sent to the wrong address! (No comments, but in Ghana these things do happen) I was finally called for the viva voce and I had an A and even something better happened but that's topic for another post!
I've witnessed the number of visitors to my blog tripling because I was thankful for the initial low numbers. I was believing God for a specific daily number of readers and as I thanked God I began to have more readers. I even exceeded my target! If you want to see change in your life then I want to encourage you to keep such a notebook, YOUR BOOK OF THANKSGIVING! I believe that when you begin to thank God for the little things He'll give you greater testimonies. Plus being thankful prevents you from wallowing in self-pity and you would have no time to be depressed!

I want to challenge you to KEEP A BOOK OF THANKSGIVING! Do let me know how this changes your life. Share your thoughts and experiences below. Share and tag a friend. Much Love! #TheBookofThankgiving

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