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You’ve Got to Jump

by - 15:50:00

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The way I see it you’ve got only two choices in the moment you realise that you’re dissatisfied with your current position in life. The moment that you come to the realisation that there is more life has to offer than you’re taking advantage of. You can either decide to continue living in your comfort zone or you can decide to jump. You either jump or remain as part of the crowd. There is comfort in the crowd but no one sees the individuals in a crowd they only see the one that is up there.

The difference between awesome and average is that awesome decided to jump of the path of blending in and to rather stand out. Awesome took the risk to standout.

Last month I wrote a post about how to chase your dreams (click link to read). Nothing ventured nothing gained. You’ll never know the outcome of your dreams unless you take a shot at them. You have to jump and go after your dreams regardless of the obstacles life presents. In order to give your dreams life you’ve got to jump off the bandwagon. To jump means you decide to risk it all by taking action to fulfill your dreams. Every dream or idea seem impossible until you act on it.
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It doesn’t matter how small and insignificant your dreams are just go after it. Last year I had a dream of posting one blog post each week (I know this may not seem so challenging but for me it was really a big deal. The previous year I had posted only 6 blog posts. I was the kind of writer who wrote only when she was confused or feeling down, which was not often. Writing for me served as a kind of therapy to cure me of my confusion or loneliness). Making the decision to post once a week was then scary to me. I was like, “Oh, my God! Where am I going to get ideas to write on? Can I even be consistent? What if I run out of ideas?” However I decided to overcome my fears and doubts and trust God. In the end though it was not smooth sailing throughout the year I was able to fulfill my dream. I share this with you because I want to encourage you to go after your dreams no matter how little or big they may seem.

Throw caution to the wind and jump. Pursue your dreams and if your first attempt fails don’t give up only change your strategy. Athletes who jump will tell you how difficult it is to master the act of jumping effortlessly. It takes determination, resilience and practice. You can begin with baby steps and the progress to running then jumping. But no matter what you do, don’t sit on your dreams. Remember, you’ve got to jump or you’ll remain only average but why be average when you can be awesome?

What are your dreams? Are you taking steps to achieve your dreams? I'll love to know about your dreams and/or the steps you’re taking towards achieving your dreams. Share them in the comments.

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