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Without Purpose Abuse is Inevitable

by - 08:00:00

Every gadget is made for a purpose and is useful when it's used for its purpose. Imagine trying to use your laptop as a printer or vice versa. It will be so frustrating! Imagine using a white chalk to write on a white board! That is trying to do the work of a marker with a chalk.

Each person has been created for a purpose. It is very important and can’t just be said enough that as a child of God you need to find out what your purpose is. You need to go back to the manual that God has provided. Almost every product comes with a manual which teaches you about the product and its use. The Bible is your manual to find out who you are and what you have been designed for.

When you don't know your purpose abuse is inevitable. You'll be moved by every wind of opportunity or vision. Without finding out your purpose you may never maximise your potentials. Find out who God has made you to be and find what your purpose is.

The key to finding your purpose is in the Bible and what you can give back to God and humanity. Purpose is what you can give back not what you can receive. Without purpose your life will be driven by chance and opportunity. Without purpose you’ll be used by others to accomplish their purposes. Without purpose abuse is inevitable because you’ll not be grounded to know what you should or shouldn’t do.

Do the following to find out your purpose:
1. Read the Bible especially the New Testament
2. Pray and pray until you hear from God
3. Spend time with your spiritual father or mentor
4. Find out what you love

Life is made up of time so spend your time fulfilling your purpose. If you already know yours spend time with someone else or others and help them find out their purpose.

What’s your purpose or calling? What do you feel the Lord is calling you to?

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