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You Don't Need LIARS

by - 08:00:00

A wise saying notes that one lie begets another. This is a true and wise saying, when you tell one lie chances are that you may have to tell another one to cover your tracks then another one! It may go on and on until you're caught up in your own web of lies.
I say this from both experience and watching others. I lied to a very close friend of mine and had to later lie to cover the first lie. It was difficult keeping the charade. Lo and behold I made a slip and of course she put two and two together and figured out my lie! I've listened to people tell me things that they later don't even remember telling me. I realise that such people always had different stories to tell. They lie about almost everything and soon everyone realises who they are! Most people will pretend to listen as you churn out one lie after another but as soon as you leave, they shake their heads and discuss your lies. Lying goes hand in hand with slander which breeds disloyalty.

It is important to mark such people in your life. If they can lie to you about themselves then they can lie to others about you. I believe in order for people to trust each other they must be truthful. You might not be able to be truthful all the time but in those instances that you can’t speak the truth be quiet. It is better not to say anything at all.
You've got to be careful when people keep telling you things that you don't see any evidence of. Lying and slandering I notice easily cohabit. It isn't really necessary to lie especially when it's a charade that you have to keep for a long while! Do you have any experiences with lies? Share them in the comment section.

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