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Why You Should Love Your Flaws

by - 08:00:00

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines flaw

1a: a defect in physical structure or form <a diamond with a flaw>
1b: an imperfection or weakness and especially one that detracts from the whole or hinders effectiveness.

From this definition it is clear that a flaw is not something to be proud of. However without doubt we all have our flaws. Some are visible others are not, nonetheless we all have flaws because no one is perfect. There are days and sometimes weeks that we go through a phase where all we can see so glaringly is our flaws. We question God and ask Him why He had created us with such a flaw and why no matter how much we pray or cry it wouldn’t just go away.

When you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see, thank God for loving you. God sees you for who you truly are yet loves you, flaws and all. Don’t be overwhelmed by your flaws because everyone has one. The people you see on TV and assume are perfect aren’t perfect. They have their own flaws but they have decided to focus on their strengths not their weaknesses. Focus on your strengths and work on your flaws and weaknesses. Don’t aspire to be perfect because perfect doesn’t exist.

While growing up one of my flaws was brought to my attention. I didn’t know of this until the kids in Junior High began to tease me about the way I walked (kids can be very mean sometimes). When the teasing started I ignored it but it didn’t stop so I decided to be conscious of how I walked. As they teased me over and over again I became self conscious. I tried everything just to change how I walked. And I like to think that I succeeded because they stopped teasing me. Looking back today I see that they teased me only to cover up their own flaws.

Life is not about being perfect but about learning to embrace all of you. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses. Accept your flaws and work on the ones you can and leave the rest to God. Remember God loves you, flaws and all.
Don’t be preoccupied with what you lack but focus on your strengths. Love all the shades of you and with time your flaws won’t even matter. #SelfLove

Do you have any incidence with being teased or bullied because of a personal flaw? I’ll love to read it. Post it in the comment section.

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