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10 Things Every Man Should Do for His Wife

by - 13:00:00

  1. Pamper her – Do one special thing for her every week or month.

  2. Speak positive things about her  both when you’re alone or with others – compliment her.
  3. Be her best friend.
  4. Help with the house chores and caring for the kids.
  5. See her as a team player and not your subordinate or slave – You’re on the same team and together you’ll win every battle.
  6. Provide for her and your home.
  7. Tell her “I love you.” Although she knows you love her she still needs to hear you say it. 
    Images by Google images
  8. Give her the gift of your time and attention. Be a great listener and comforter.
  9. Take her out (even if it means hiring a babysitter or leaving the kids with a relative) and give her gifts (you don't have to buy expensive gifts, if you can't afford to buy a gift for her then make one for her).
  10. Appreciate her for all that she does to take care of you, the kids and your home. Don’t be the nagger rather let her know that you appreciate her.
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