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Chase Your Dreams

by - 23:30:00

I live in a heavy traffic zone that means that I spend hours in traffic everyday. It's not something I enjoy. So I'm usually excited when I find a route that has lesser traffic. There is one such route that I found.
Though this route has little to no traffic most people don't like it. They would rather use the shorter route which takes fifteen minutes without traffic and about an hour or more depending on the traffic situation. The route that has no traffic is really long and uncomfortable hence people prefer being stuck in traffic than using it. 
There are times that though where we are in life is not where we want to be, we are so comfortable that we rather bear with our frustration and stagnation because we are used to it. There are usually some other ways that we could choose to go or do what we do but because we see all the discomforts that await us we feel it may not be worth it in the end. Instead of daring to chase our dreams we rather prefer being stuck in a job that stifles us because we are assured of a pay cheque at the end of every month.

Instead of building that business or starting that project that we've always wanted to, we would rather just be satisfied with barely having enough! Life is full of choices whatever you decide in the long run will determine the quality of life that you'll have. Your greatest fear shouldn't be failure but failing to try. Dare to trust God and take the bold step of living your dreams. All those people you admire and the world celebrates are those who have dared to go for their dreams. 

The route to fulfilling your dreams may be lonely, long, tiring and rough but in the end it will be worth it. The route to barely getting by or being average is packed with multitudes of people but never leads anywhere. All your sweat in the traffic and the pollution that you suffer affect you negatively. They leave you worn out, unhappy and unsatisfied.
Give your all to your God inspired dreams and you'll make it. You can live life fulfilled and live your dreams now. 
I pray this post inspires you to go for your dreams and makes you not settle for average when you can be outstanding and excellent. You were born to reign in life! Let me know your thoughts. Is there anything holding you back from achieving your dreams? Are you taking steps to achieve your dreams?

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